Tuesday, July 9, 2024

How to really add text to multiple cells without having to re-enter anything in Google Sheets? (No formula used)

I found a Reddit page that uilize 'Find and Replace', but it does not working as intended. It adds text to the end of the cells content. So, I tried with special characters and boom! I found it!!! 

How to add text to the front of multiple cells using Find and Replace:- 

  1. Select the cells, 
  2. Edit -> Find and Replace (Ctrl+H), 
  3. type ^ in 'Find',
  4. type your text or numbers or whatever in 'Replace with', 
  5. tick the 'Search using regular expressions', 
  6. click 'Replace all', 
  7. Done! (It should says 'Replaced # instances of ^ with (your text)) 


How to add text to the end of multiple cells using Find and Replace:- 

  1. Select the cells, 
  2. Edit -> Find and Replace (Ctrl+H), 
  3. type $ in 'Find',
  4. type your text or numbers or whatever in 'Replace with', 
  5. tick the 'Search using regular expressions', 
  6. click 'Replace all', 
  7. Done! (It should says 'Replaced # instances of $ with (your text)) 


Oh. I forgot to mention: 

If you want to add space, just type into the textbox 'Replace with'. If you didn't, the text will be sooo close together.




Done! Profit! Bye! 

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